Your doctor conducts a physical exam to see how your body is performing. The medical exam typically isn’t time consuming and designed to ensure that you remain in good health.

Is there a routine check-up that you could initiate on your own organization to get a pulse on its performance? Essentially, taking a snap shot of outcomes and work behaviors to stay ahead of the curve to address potentially developing issues.

Allow yourself and your management team thirty minutes to think through these questions for your organizational check-up and some fact-finding for potentially needed improvement actions:

  1. How are sales trends vs. last year? Ahead? Stalled? Behind?
  2. How many new accounts were developed in the past year?
  3. Is revenue up due to increased volume or a price increase?
  4. Is the account base up, flat or down?
  5. How much repeat business from established accounts?
  6. Are sales leads forgotten: people asking what ever happened with a prospect? 
  7. What “new” ideas have your staff generated in the past year?
  8. How many new ideas did they actually take responsibility for and execute?
  9. Are new initiatives getting bogged down in department silos?
  10. Does your staff come to you for all decisions?